Friday, 30 November 2012


We had a super fun time skating this morning at Dulude. We encourage other people to try to go skating, it's so much fun! Not only is it fun, it is a excellent way to get exercise. (by Skye, Julianna and Sarah)

Study Buddies

Here are some of the photos we took yesterday during our study buddy visit. We have had so many great visits with Sharon's class! Yesterday we got a chance to create a hibernaculum and create some plasticine animals!

Dance Mat Typing

I thought it might be helpful to post a link to the Dance Mat Typing program we used earlier in the year. This way it should be easy to find this website when you would like to practice your typing.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Churchill Wordle

Here is our Churchill wordle. Our class came up with some fantastic words.

Wordle: 312 Churchill Wordle

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Wordle Assignment

Churchill Wordle!

Our school is working together to create a wordle that represents Churchill.

In order to ensure that this wordle really represents our school, we need to help by collecting words that represent Churchill to us.

Your new task in the computer lab is to respond to this post with a list of 5-15 words that represent Churchill to YOU!

In your comment ONLY include the list of words. Do NOT include your name or any punctuation.

Instead of posting as "Anonymous," we can actually post as "Name/URL." Click on Name/URL,  type your name and leave URL blank.

We have used wordles already this year in some of our language lessons, however, you have not had the chance to make any yourselves. After you have submitted your 5-15 words you will have a chance to create a wordle of your own. In order to create a wordle, you need to have a piece of text to input into the program. Go to teachingkidsnews and select an article. Copy the text and paste it into wordle. After creating a wordle you can change it using the Font, Colour, and Layout buttons.

Have fun!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Under African Skies

We had a great music lesson today. We talked about rhythm, harmony and syncopation. We started singing and playing a great Paul Simon song, Under African Skies. Below you will find the lyrics to the song. Enjoy!

Under African Skies – Paul Simon

Chord Progression               D          D          G         G         D          D          A          A

Josephs face was black as night
The pale yellow moon shone in his eyes
His path was marked by the stars in the southern hemisphere
And he walked his days under African skies
This is the story of how we begin to remember
This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein
After the dream of falling and calling your name out
These are the roots of rhythm and the roots of rhythm remain

 Verse 2

In early memory, mission music was ringing round my nursery door
 I said take this child, lord from Tucson Arizona
Give her the wings to fly through harmony
And she wont bother you no more
This is the story of how we begin to remember
This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein
After the dream of falling and calling your name out
These are the roots of rhythm and the roots of rhythm remain


Verse 3
Josephs face was black as night
And the pale yellow moon shone in his eyes
His path was marked
By the stars in the southern hemisphere

And he walked the length of his days under African skies

Love Turns I Into We

Here is a video of Craig Cardiff performing the song that he wrote with our school, "Love Turns I into We." This is a draft version of the song with a few stops and starts, but still a great one to watch!

Math Frog

Here is another great website for us to use at home at at school. I know that many of you have already used the Math Frog website. Enjoy!

Thursday, 22 November 2012


Here is a terrific website. It can help you to be a greener person. If you are not sure where to place a piece of waste this website will help you. STAY GREEN!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

"Safe Here" lyrics

Today in the computer lab you will have a chance to Text Bust Craig Cardiff's song, "Safe Here." Below you will find the lyrics to the song and, if you scroll down, you will find a link to a Youtube video of Craig performing the song.

After Text Busting the song please post a comment to our blog. Remember when you are writing to use STRONG verbs and to include details. Also don't forget to sign your name at the end of your post so we know who has commented.

Craig Cardiff - Safe Here

words came out sharp like edges and knives
when all we needed was to talk things through
this is a process of learning that love is
not what you say, oh but what you do

this is my country
this is your country too
there are so many things we need to change
it'd be too easy to let it overwhelm us
it'd be too easy to let things stay the same

i said…

am i safe here?
yes you are safe here
am i needed here?
yes you are needed here; yes you are; yes you are

they told us how this was not a problem
how this was none of our concern
then they chiselled and chiselled and chiselled
till everything you loved
and everything you'd earned
was taken away from you

this is my country
this is your country too
there are so many things we need to change
it'd be too easy to let it overwhelm us
it'd be too easy to let things stay the same

am i safe here?
yes you are safe here
am i needed here?
yes you are needed here; yes you are; yes you are

and while we stood around and talked about it
they took it all away
while we argued about the cost,
they brought it back, and said here you go
now pay pay pay
we won't remember any of these meetings
we won't remember the things we did or did own
this is the part where you throw your hands in the air
i said, i thought I could, but I can't do it on my own.

this is my country
this is your country too
there are so many things we need to change
it'd be too easy to let us overwhelm us
it'd be too easy to let things stay the same

i said….

am i safe here?
yes you are safe here
am i needed here?
yes you are needed here; yes you are; yes you are

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Craig Cardiff's visit

We were extremely privileged to have Craig Cardiff come to Churchill on Tuesday. Every class had the opportunity to talk and sing with Craig. Not only that, the ukulele group had a chance to play along with this Juno nominated Canadian folk singer and teach him how to play ukulele!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Gatineau Park trip

 Now that we have a Blog, we will be able to share some of the photos that we have taken this year. Does everyone remember our trip to Gatineau Park?

"Safe Here" video

Here is a video of Craig Cardiff playing "Safe Here." He will be coming to Churchill on Nov 20th. How exciting?

I'm so excited to see that some of you have already made posts to our Blog! This is going to be a great tool for our class to use.

Enjoy the weekend,

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Welcome to our Blog!

Hello boys and girls,

So we decided it was time to get a Blog for the class. This way we will be able to post lessons, announcements, pictures, videos and all kinds of other great stuff. You will be able to see these posts in our class, in the lab, or from home!
For starters I thought I would post a really great website that we have used in class already. Take some time to look for an intersting article from this great website.
