Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Craig Cardiff's visit

We were extremely privileged to have Craig Cardiff come to Churchill on Tuesday. Every class had the opportunity to talk and sing with Craig. Not only that, the ukulele group had a chance to play along with this Juno nominated Canadian folk singer and teach him how to play ukulele!


  1. I had an awesome time singing with Craig Cardiff.And it was lot's of fun making that song with him.


  2. his voice is amazing!!!


    1. I got to admit skye his voice is better than mine.


  3. That vidio was really cool who ever hasn't seen it you got to.


  4. I like Craig Cardiff he is a nice guy. he told us a story about when he took his guitar out of an airplane he realized that the neck of the guitar beacouse of the presure change. from now on he always loosens the strings of is guitar when he goes on an airplane -kenny

  5. He's a really awesome singer.


  6. I really liked when Craig Cardiff came in to sing a song
    (Safe Here) and he made a song with us to it was awesome.


  7. I feel SOOOOOOOO lucky to have played ukulele alongside Craig Cardiff.
    I think it was very nice of him to take time out of his probably very busy schedule to come and see us! My favourite out of all his songs is "Safe Here".
    I'm glad he played it for us!

    - Rebecca P

  8. I really liked that Craig Cardiff came to Churchill to perform a few songs for us, it was very generious.


  9. Friendship friends Clubs sor Teachers
