Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Vivid Word Pictures

In our last Writer's Toolbox session we were talking about writing vivid word pictures. Authors need to include enough information in their writing to paint a complete and vivid word picture for their readers.

Today in the lab you will be given the chance to choose a picture, and to try to capture the story behind it. After selecting a photo, you will write a few sentences to paint a vivid word picture. Your sentences will then be posted as a comment below this post. Hopefully your readers will be able to guess which of the pictures below inspired your writing. Remember to use some of your earlier Writer's Toolbox lessons to create really strong sentences.

Good luck and have fun!






  1. In the colossal deciduous forest, along a dirt trail, the sun shines brightly through the huge canopy of the forest.

  2. A little girl with black hair and a bandana goes to a farm
    and starts shreaking at a drinking cowish beast.

  3. It is the middle of the day in the beautiful green forest in Ottawa. The light is gently flowing through the top of the trees.

  4. It was a bright sunny day and sunlight poured through the big tall trees.

  5. In the big field, a young girl rests in the bright sunshine near some beautiful daisies that are surounding her.

  6. A beam of light shawn onto a dusty dirty road in the middle of the forest. The trees stand tall and straight, they are greener then the greenest lime. It's silent the only sound is birds chirping and animals scurring across the forest grround.

  7. Along the parched fields, a storm is tearing through the sky, making everything surrounding it dull and gloomy.

  8. A beautiful scene of trees waving in the breeze with a soft stream of sunlight pouring onto a small dirt road. Mossy grass and ferns peek out from the edges of the road and try to seek out the sunshine.

  9. wreched rock go's stright through there expensive window
    and completly smashed there new mint condition rare couch chair.

  10. My best friend's new red shiny bike that has 12 gears has been parked beside a pole by the big calm Ottawa river where you can hear geease flying in the distance.

  11. A big bolder smashes into a living room and knocks over a chair!

  12. Maya's brown pony snaps and nips at me constantly. It makes me furious! I scream at the obnoxious brown beast at the top of my lungs.

  13. Depressing dark gray storm clouds fill the sad sky above a field of upsetting gray grass and a few lonely cold leafless trees.

  14. I am just an old bike left in the fight. I tried to tell
    Jim the 14 year old to stay but he just ran away. It didn't seem like he wanted to stay. Considering he just found someone else and left me by myself .I thought people liked mountain bikes but I guess that wasn’t right. Siting by the sea while the waves come up on me. I also sit upon an old rock that to my shock he has never even talked . No one will let me be while I sit by the sea. I just want someone to rid with me. Oh will you rid with me and stay with me? You see I’m just an old bike.

    1. Alicia that was an amazing paragraph. I loved how you described the bike. That was amazing!
