Friday, 8 February 2013

Possible Ski Night

With all the snow falling outside we have been thinking about another ski night. As a class we have been talking about the possibility of a class ski night at Camp Fortune. This would be a chance for families from our class to meet at the ski hill and put in some turns together.
We are trying to choose a night between Tuesday and Thursday that will work for as many families as possible. Take some time over this snowy weekend to talk about this at home and post a comment below letting us know if, and when, you would be able to join us.


  1. I can't wait to go skiing. I am so exited to go I hope everyone can come.

  2. Both Tuesday and work for me. Hope we can go skiing soon.

  3. tuesday or thursday is good for us.

  4. Why can not my class come it would be so much fun hope you guys can go.

  5. I can come on Wednesday or Thursday.
