Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Singing in Space!

So here is the great video that you watched in class. I really liked how many of you were thinking about including this song in our Junior Music Meetings. While listening to the song again, pay attention to what you think the message would be. Check out the lyrics below. Is there one line in the song that really jumps out at you?

After watching the video, check out this article about Chris Hadfield and his time on the International Space Station.

Remember that we are still on the hunt for our classes theme for the stop-motion movies. This story made me think about a number of themes such as perseverance and cooperation. Post a comment below if you have a theme that we could use for our stop-motion movies.

[Chris Hadfield - Is Somebody Singing - Featuring - Ed Robertson]
On solid fuel and wires
Turn the key and the light the fires.
We’re leaving Earth today
We’ll soon be out of sight
This rockets burning bright
And orbiting in space
Pushed back in my seat
Look out my window
There goes home
That ball of shiny blue 
houses everybody anybody ever knew
So sing your song I’m listening out where stars are glistening
I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon
If you could see our Nation from the international space station
You’d know why I want to get back soon
Eighteen thousand miles an hour
Fueled by science and solar power
The oceans racing past
At half a thousand tons
Ninety minutes Moon to Sun
A bullet can’t go half this fast
Floating from my seat
Look out my window
There goes Home
That brilliant ball of blue
Is where I’m from, and also where I’m going to
So sing your song I’m listening out where stars are glistening
I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon
If you could see our Nation from the international space station
You’d know why I want to get back soon
Pushed back in the seat

All back and white just fades to grey
Where the sunrises sixteen times a day
You can’t make out borders from up here
Just a spinning ball within a tiny atmosphere
Pushed back in my seat
Look out my window
Here comes home
What once was fueled by fear
Now has fifteen Nation orbiting together here.

So sing your song I’m listening out where stars are glistening
I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon
If you could see our Nation from the international space station
You’d know why I want to get back soon

You’d know why I want to get back soon


  1. I loved this song

    1. Don't forget to tell us why you loved the song Felix.

  2. WOW! I thought that the lyrics were really cool!

    1. What was it that you thought was cool Zane? Can you elaborate?

  3. I thought that it is so cool that he was in the internatinal station.

  4. Here`s three ideas for stop motion. One= dont give up. Two = your dreams can be done. Three= be happy for what you`ve done.

    1. Thanks Alicia! I think those are three great potential themes for our stop-motion movies. We will have a big class discussion about all of the possible themes soon, then we can start brainstorming and creating our storyboards! I think this project is going to be really fun.

  5. I think it was really cool because he was singing in space.

  6. I think that the song is really good.

  7. I think we should do a anti-bullying stop motion video

  8. Here are is an idea for a theme, never give up no matter what anybody tells you, even if you aren't sure it's possible.

    P.S We have new fish in the classroom!

  9. I love that song because it really expresses his expireance he
    is having in the I.S.S. A good theme that i think we could do is never give up especailly if it's your dream.

  10. this song is extreamly good

  11. I.s.s is a wonderful song. It so crazy that they could make a song like that. We think that it has alot of meaning in the lyrics. The title also has a lot of thought to it(i.s.s- international space station and is someone singing).

    P.s Maya's and Clara's computers both wernt working so they had to work together

    1. sorry, it's Maya and Clara not Maya& amp ;amp; Clara.

    2. The computer is going nuts

  12. I thought it was amazing how they were playing and singing together,when one of them was in space! I also think a line in the song that really pops out to me is:" IF YOU COULD SEE OUR NATION FROM THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION YOU'D KNOW WHY I WANT TO GET BACK SOON. I think this line is saying that our planet needs some improvement!

  13. You guys are posting some wonderful comments. I am looking forward to discussing the video in class and deciding on a class theme. I'm also looking forward to meeting our new fish! Have a good day everyone.

  14. When I first herd that song I relly could see the pitcher in my mined.

  15. It is so cool that one person was in Toronto and the other one was in space and they were singing together.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I like the ending when the guitar was floating in mid-air. It was so cool!
