Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Our two new songs!

I Wish I Had a Mustache Too

I know a nasty pirate
His name is Captain Hook
He’s always after Peter
“Aarrgh!” With an evil look
He has a curly mustache
Twirls it with his silver hook

We got the no-mustache blues
We got the no-mustache blues
Ain’t old enough to grow one
Wish we had a mustache too!

You know I love my grandma,
She spoils me night and day
She a motorcycle mama
Nobody gets in her way
She’s got a tickly mustache
She has to shave it every day


I know an ancient master
His name is Sensi-Wu
He uses golden weapons
But he drinks tea too
With a white floppy mustache
He trains his Ninja crew


I know a super plumber
His name is Mario
Trying to save the princess
And his buddy, Toad
His mustache’s made of pixels
It’s right under his nose

I know a givin’ fellow
Some like to call him St Nic
When he’s stuck in the chimney
His reindeer give him a kick
His snowy, blowy mustache
keeps him warm on his trip

The Nature Walk

Don’t you love how the wind blows past your face?
When you’re sitting outside on a sunny day
Kids are laughing
Birds are chirping in such merry ways
Open your eyes, get outside
The trees are calling
So please realize
If we try, we can help nature survive
There’s a quiet when I’m walking in the woods
Snow is falling, feeling warm inside my hood
The deer are leaping
Bears are sleeping
With their families

Open your eyes, get outside
The trees are calling
So please realize
If we try, we can help nature survive

When I’m diving I see the coral reef
Seals are swimming in the deep blue sea
Seaweed swaying
Seahorse playing
In such harmony

 Open your eyes, get outside
The trees are calling
So please realize
If we try, we can help nature survive

 Everyday we can make a change
So it all doesn’t go away

 Open your eyes, get outside
The trees are calling
So please realize
If we try, we can help nature survive


  1. I really like the nature walk song and I can beleive we wrote such a good song!

  2. I think in the next verse we should put in something about why we should help save the enviornment and nature.

  3. I think that we should compose more lyrics to the nature walk song (mabye about endangered animals).

    1. Same!


    2. Great, I think that we could compose the lyrics together.

  4. I think these songs are neat because the whole class made it but usally on ly one person writes a song. I think that the next verse should be about animals that swim.

  5. I really like the mustache song because it's very funny and also catchy. My favorite verse is the one that I came up with about my grandma.

  6. In the next verse we should put something about what would happen if nature was taken away. I think that a good title would be Save Nature.

  7. In Nature Walk, I looked through the verses and I can't think of anything else to add to a verse but I really loved that the topic of the song was all about helping the enviorment. I was not there when the class made that song, but already I can tell our performance on Friday will be GREAT!

  8. Even though I did'nt really have any good ideas for the Nature Walk song, although, I really enjoyed working as a class with Anna and Amanda. I would like the next verse to be about sea animals.

  9. I think the name Nature Walk is a great title and we should keep it the way it is. I also have an idea for the bridge, it could talk about what would happen if we didn't take care of nature and then list ways we can fix it! For the next verse we could talk about what makes us happy.

  10. I feel that nature is amazing but it's in danger so I think the next verse should be about how it's in danger and endangerded animals.

  11. I think penguins are the best animals on the face of the earth. I think we should write a whole verse all about penguins because penguins aren't bad animals, they don't eat important animals, just fish. Penguins are very good at swimming so they can outswim almost everything. I think that penguins are very smart and they are not endangered. For these reasons, we should write about penguins!

  12. We can sing about fall and all the coulors of the leaves also about the sounds in fall.

  13. The nature walk song is really good. I would like to put somthing about skiing or biking in the next verse.

  14. I really like the nature song, But I realised that the nature song was more chalingeing than the Moustash song . !!!

  15. I love the nature walk song, and I know that the next verse will be even better than the last.I have three ideas so far: 1.loving nature, 2.out doors are wating, 3.suvive.

  16. I thing the name for the nature song shoud stay the same. I think the next verse should be about how if we cut down all the trees we wont have clean air.

  17. I think that the song name should stay the same. I also think that the next verse should be about what we can do to save the earth. Oh,and I think that we should talk about how the better we take care of the earth the longer other people can enjoy it.

  18. When I picture myself in nature I think about flowers and new born animals. Then I thought about a verse: when the baby bird takes a fly ,they might stumble but still try. There defintly needs more to it but I think its a good start.

  19. For the next verse we should make a bridge talking about the ozone layer. The nature Walk song has all the happy things, we need to tell them what could happin if we don`t watch. The ozone layer lets us not boil or freze. All living things could die because of some humans bad choices. We could also sing about how humans started global warning.

  20. I think that I would like the next verse to involve some mountain biking. Because,hopefuly it would incorage more people to bike to their locations instead of taking cars. And they could atleast carpool.

    P.S Biking is tons of fun!

  21. i think that in the song we should talk about how nature feels in the different seasons, and for a title we should call it:
    "The Feelings of Nature" I also think that we should include
    the water animals and then include what could happen if we dont take care of nature, for example, maybe how oil spills happen for the water animals, and the cutting down of trees.

  22. I think that the nature song was creative because everybody had lots of intresting ideas. But the main Ideas is that the rythm needs to be a tiny bit faster. I think we should write about beetles because the are unique because they have intresting habitats.

  23. I like the mustache song because its halarious. It rhymes also.

    The nature walk song is relly good also. It says in the chorus that you can help the environment.

    P.S I think that swimming should be in the next verse.

  24. I think that the new verse should be about animals or saving the environment or how bad it would be if we didn't take care of the planet or the opposite, if we did take care of the planet. I realy like the nature song because it feels so peaceful but I also like the moustache song because it's like a happy song and about other peoples moustaches.

  25. I think that for the next verse we should write about how you would feel if all these things in nature that you love were taken away. So that the song is not too sad, we should end on a happy note by telling people what you can do to help prevent bad things from happening to the environment. I think we should keep the name Nature Walk.
