Thursday, 23 May 2013


On May 21, our class went to MacSkimming, it was awesomely fantastic! In the morning we learned how to read a map. We went on a sort of a treasure hunt looking for triangles with two letters on them using a map and 17 acres of field and trees! Later that morning we built shelters out of; one tarp, one gigantic rope and three smaller ropes.

In the afternoon we learned about animals, camouflage and animals strategy of defending themselves. We touched animals skins and played the two funnest games ever.

One game we played was Predator, Prey, it was so awesome to be able to run around the forest chasing people and being chased. There were three types of animals; carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The carnivores had 2 lives, the omnivores had 3 lives and the herbivores had 5 lives.
Another game we played was called Camouflage  There was a person who was a wolf in a hula hoop, and that person would close there eyes and count to 15, and you had to go as a snow shoe hare, and hide. then the wolf opened their eyes and would look around. If they found you, you walk and stand beside the hoop to go to Snow Shoe Hare Heaven.

Despite all the fun, there was one terrifying thing...(dun dun dun) the massive swarms of ankle devouring mosquitoes, but it was sooo worth it!


By J, Sarah and Zane

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