Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Healthy Choices

We have been taking a look at the short-term and long-term risks of smoking and alcohol. This week you will be reading a short article talking about the risks associated with alcohol. After reading the article you will post a comment below. Imagine someone offered you a drink of alcohol. How would you say no? Respond to this fictional person in a comment. Be sure to include all the proper punctuation that we have been looking at over the last few weeks. ( " , . ! ? " )

After posting your comment, you will be able to visit a wonderful website with great math games. After clicking the link start with Fractions Shoot, and Equivalent Fractions Matching as your first two games.


  1. If you are a kid, you should not drink alcahol.

  2. " If you are a kid, you should not drink alcahol "

    1. You only have to write it once.

    2. "you can say that again" ! ! !

  3. Did you know that some kids start drinking at age 10 or even younger?

  4. If sombody ask's you if you want to drink alcohol just say no, even if its yore frend.

  5. If someone tried to give me alcohol to drink this is what I would say, "NO!"

  6. "Alcahol slows down or depresses the brain.So no I am not going to have a drink."

  7. Alcohol is way worse than I thought it can poisson you in so many ways.

  8. If someone offerd me a drink of alcohol I would say no because alcoholcan make you relly sick especially if you are a kid.

  9. "Some kids under the age of 10 are driking alcahol, it is crazy and not smart, so do not do it!"

  10. If some of your friends drink(and underage)and offer some, I would say: "I don't want to drink underage, I might drink when I'm ready."

  11. I would say, "No and it is not good for you, it can damageg the heart and the brain."

  12. "It is not good to drink alcohol. Because it can damege your brain or heart. Sometimes it is hard to stop this is how 1. You want to get rid of all your alcohol 2. You find something else to drink. like water,juice,milk,or ice tea. Try to stop alcoholisim!"

  13. I would say, "No, and you shouldn't be drinking either."

  14. "No thanks! I know that bad things can happen if you drink and if I do I could put myself in danger, I'd rather not go down that path, but thanks anyway."

  15. If someone asked me I would say "No! Alcohol is bad for kids, teens, and sometimes adults."

  16. "First of all, I would NEVER drink alcohol. And I never will.
    Im not going to. No, you cant force me to, it's never going to happen. You should see how this effects people. People get addicted, and that's how it all starts. secondly, no matter who tells me to, i will avoid it. This is all I am going to say. I hope you will stop, and to the people who are thinking of starting, don't. here is a message; DO NOT DRINK!"

  17. "Alcohol could kill you." Now I know to NEVER drink alcohol.


  18. If anyone asked me if I wanted alcohol here is what I would say.
    "Drinking is not good for kids brains."
    "I drink alcohol".
    "Do you know what it can do?"
    "No I gues not. Maybe I should find out".

  19. "Drinking alcohol is just like smoking but, has different effects. Drinking alcahol can make you drop out of school, become a part of crimes, or even get into car accidents. You NEVER, drink alchol, because it is very poisonis."

  20. Lots of pepole think alcohol is "bad" but if you only have a bit and your over 21 ,the drinking age , then it is not bad. But some kids start at 10 or even yonger. Then things get bad they may even get alcoholism where they can not control their drinking, body and sight. So then why DO we drink? Pressure, curiosity, called names and more. But before you take another drink, think.

  21. "No thank you!" "Come on, what will it do?" "If I start drinking now, I can easly become addictid and it can lead to alcohol poisoning which can really harm my body!"

  22. Some kids at the age of ten or younger drink alcohol. So if you drink alcohol and you are yunger then 21 years old you can get alcoholism. Alcoholism can cause liver probloms. Long turm drinking can hurt your brain, heart and pancreas. Or this could happen if you drink alot. If someone asked me if I wanted to have a drink I would say, "No thank you."

  23. Drinking to much alcohol is very risky. It is dangerous for:kids,teens andsomtimes adults. If someone asks you if you want a drink tou sholdsay "No thanks. I know it is bad for you and me"

  24. Most kids have their first drink at 10 or 11. If I was asked I would say, "No, thank you, I know what it does to my body."

  25. Like smoking, alcohol is bad for your body.
