Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Smoking Stinks

On Tuesday we had a class discussion about the short-term and long-term effects of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Today we will be looking more carefully at the risks associated with cigarette smoke. Check out this article and post a comment below. Your comment should include a piece of information that you think all kids should know about smoking.

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  1. I agree that smoking is a very bad thing to do

  2. Replies
    1. Over two thousand people die every year from smoking.
      Cigarettes also include bad chemicals like nicotine and rat poison. Nicotine is also very addictive. It is very hard to quit once you have tried a few cigarettes.

  3. I think that kids should know that smoking makes you have difficulties in sports. Because the smoke gets in your lungs and makes it hard to breath.

  4. Did you know that a pack of cigarettes cost about $6? So if you buy one pack a week, in a year, you will have spent about $300! That's alot of money!

  5. Smoking is one of the worst things to do to your health. It can cause damage to your lungs. It turns your teeth yellow. YUCK!!!!

  6. Smoking sucks. It kills people every day you should never smoke it is dangerous and it could affect your future.

  7. Luckly, less people are smoking. Probobly its because more people know that smoking and tobacco can make you very ill.

  8. Hundreds of people die from smoking and from second hand smoking every year!

  9. If you smoke you can get cancer. people do not want to hang out with poeple that have bad breath. no buddy wants to hang out with you. stop smoking it is bad!!

  10. Every day about 1,200 people die from smoking.I DO NOT THINK PEOPLE SHOULD SMOKE!!!!!

  11. You should never smoke because it is very bad and dangerous for your body.It is also extremely addictive. Smoking kills thousands of people every day.

  12. Smoking is very bad for you and everyone around you. Lots of people who smoke for a while can not quit and what is realy bad is 1,200 average americans die each DAY. It is so crazy how many pepole die from smoking and it is all because it is addictive even if you try it once you could get addictied .

  13. Some effects of smoking are bad breath,yellow teeth, smelly clothes, more colds and coughs, difficulty keeping up with friends when playing sports and empty wallet-smoking is very expensive. One more thing I learned would be on average if you bought one pack of cigarettes each week it would cost 312$ in one year and if you smoke one pack of cigarettes each day it would cost 2,190$ in one year!

  14. Why smoking is bad? Smoking is very bad for you. 1,200 people die each day. Here is a list of what will happen if you smoke. It will hurt your health, it will make your breath stinky, your teeth will turn yellow and if your running you will get tired realy fast.

  15. it is not good to smocke.this is what smocking can do; rot your teet, burn your lungs, have a bad cough if i wer you i wouildidt smock.

  16. Here are some signs that someone is smoking. Their teeth will start to turn yellow, they will have very stinky breath, they will have a hard time running for a long time without stopping, they will have trouble doing sports and smoking can give you heart and lung problems. So in all smoking is VERY dangerous.

  17. Smoking is a terrible thing to do to your body. If you smoke there are bad things that will happen to you. Some may be short term and some might be long term, for example, some short term things you come upon include bad breath, yellow teeth, hard time running or playing sports, and if you smoke a long time you can get cancer or get very sick!

  18. Smoking causes alot of diseases, some of which can kill you. Once you start smoking it's easy to get addicded. Then it's really hard to stop, so if your parents start smoking don't go hard on them encourage them to stop.

  19. Smoking is not onely bad for your health, it is VARY! costly, one pack of cigarettes is abot $6, if some one smokt one pack a week, bye one year the total would be $312 so wy do it.

  20. Hundreds of thousunds of people can die each year from smoking. About 1,200 peaple die each day from smoking. Your lungs can turn black.

  21. If you buy I pack of cigarettes per week you`ll spend aproximitly 312 dollars per year! That means that each pack is aproximitly 6 dollars ,Say no to smoking!!

  22. Smoking is the worst thing to do and your lunges turn black.Cigarrettes cost about $6 so if you buy one pack a year you spend about $300.Yuck!!!

  23. Every single day around 3,900 kids in the age of 12,17 and older, start smoking (that's not right!!!)

  24. Smoking can cause many big bad health problems like lung cancer and heart problems.It also can cause smaller problems like rotten teeth and yellow hands, another problem is cigarettes cost a lot and if you by them often you will waste a lot of money. Smoking is definitely not good!

  25. I learned that 1/16 students in middle school smoke, And in high school, there is less. You see, at high school, 1/5 students smoke, witch means that 4/5 students don't. So many people have been caught in the trap of smoking. which causes many ways you can die. One way this can happen, is being a heavy smoker. And that means smoking almost every day. Here are some ways to detect a smoker:
    *Bad breath
    *yellow teeth
    *smelly clothing
    *having colds and coughing more often
    *Having low endurance
    *no money

    ciggarettes are very expencive. If you buy a pack a week, you will spend $312 a year, and if you buy a pack a day,you will end up spending $2,190!

  26. Anyone who starts smoking could become addicted to it. Once you start smoking it's hard to stop!

  27. Hi Guys,

    I just read over your very insightful posts about the harmful affects of smoking. I absolutely agree that smoking is a very dangerous habit for a multitude of reasons. I'm still working away at University this week but I'm eagerly awaiting my return on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in the yard and during my hallway travels.

    See you soon


    PS. Did my post have any punctuation errors!

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      We miss you so much in class!!
      I hope you have a great time in Heather.G class.Also you need a comma after "this week" and "see you soon". Bye for now,Clara.

  28. The multiplication games are SO helpful!I play them everyday when I get home. It is fun and educational,two things you want in a math game.

    1. Sorry,I forgot the space after the !!.
