Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Blues in the school day three!

What a great visit today from Peter and Shawn, or should we call them Dr. Shawn and Marshall Amps? Together we wrote a great song called Elementary Blues.

Some extra math links

If you have finished both of today's lab activities, try out this game about elapsed time, or one of these games to develop your rounding and estimating abilities.

Our first few days of Blues in the School

So we have been lucky enough to have some great artists come to our school and share some of their great stories and music with us.

Below you will see some pictures from Monday's visit from Rick Fines and Tuesday's visit from the Celtic Rathskallions.

We learned a lot about two different types of music, Blues and Celtic folk. Below you will post a comment about one or more of the topics below.
A) something you found interesting.
B) something you enjoyed.
C) a question you still have about these types of music.

Another Inference Opportunity

Watch the commercial below and post a comment about the inferences that you made while watching. Be sure to include an explanation of the clues you used from the text to make your inferences.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Downhill Ski Night

Yesterday at Camp Fortune we had an awesome night of skiing. The weather was calm, the moon was bright and the skis were flying! Thanks to all those parents volunteers who joined us.
Hopefully we'll get out again.


Junior music - rock of ages 9-12

We are having so much fun with junior music. Today we got together and discussed a song by Serena Ryder that students from Ray's class suggested and presented to the group.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Another day of Chinese new year with our buddies

Today we had some fun with our buddies. We learned how to count and write to ten in Chinese. After we were done that we had some time to make and decorate red Chinese lanterns. Some groups had some time to read. Also we got a group picture and a lot of other pictures you should check out.