Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Our first few days of Blues in the School

So we have been lucky enough to have some great artists come to our school and share some of their great stories and music with us.

Below you will see some pictures from Monday's visit from Rick Fines and Tuesday's visit from the Celtic Rathskallions.

We learned a lot about two different types of music, Blues and Celtic folk. Below you will post a comment about one or more of the topics below.
A) something you found interesting.
B) something you enjoyed.
C) a question you still have about these types of music.


  1. I enjoyed the Unicorn song on tuesday because
    it is a fun and cheerful song, and has great lyrics.

  2. omg it look's rilly fun can not wait for today.

  3. I found it intresting that there is an auto harp because I didn't think it looked like a harp.

  4. I found it really interesting that they read Maddie's Moon book to us.

  5. Arther was hilarious! I loved when his wife was playing a bag pipe and he got a balloon out and a noise maker. He blew the balloon up, put the noise maker in and squished it. I also liked when his wife played music that sounded like snake taming music so he took out a snake. I realy liked when his wife found a sock and his under wear in her harp too.

  6. I enjoyed the tongue twisting song because it was really hard to sing as it got faster and it used a lot of M words.

  7. I REALLY enjoyed the Celtic Rathskallions, and I REALLY enjoyed the Unicorn Song because of all the actions, but at the end it got a little too fast for me!!!!!

  8. I thought it was cool that blues music came from the african-american slaves who worked in the cotton fields.

  9. blues in the school is a grat event. it is just so fun! I liked the song where it just kept going faster and faster and faster. It was really fun.

  10. I, pesonally think that the auto harpe is very lazy at start but after I realized that it did not mean an automaticly played intrament.

  11. I thought that the celtic Rathskallions where prety cool I realy enjoyed them! A part of it I thought was realy cool was that you could stuff stuff in one part of the Harp and I thought that was cool.

  12. My question is for Rike Fines I would like to know if he has his first guitar.
    The thing I enjoyed the most was the humor in the Celtic Rathskaliions performance.
    Another question is for the Rick Fines I want to know how he learned about the history of Blues music like feild hollers ect.

  13. Arthur was hystarical I thought he was so funny I that he should make a comedy show. But he wasn't only funny, no, he was an amazing musician. One of my favorite parts was when he blew up a balloon, stuck a party streamer into it, put the balloon under his arm and started playing it like it was a real Bag Pipe. Not to mention his wifes story was great(Maddie's Moon). I think that the Celtic Rathskallions were the best so far I loved how when Arthur's wife pulled out a pair of his underwear out of the Harp and told us about all the intruments.

  14. I know I relly like blues in the schools it's so awesome !!!

    m <3 <3 Oceanna

  15. Celtic ROCKS !!!!!!! It is funny and amazing. LOL

  16. The celtic was AWESOME X1000! I think that it was hilarious when Arther made bagpipes
    out of a baloon.
