Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Another Inference Opportunity

Watch the commercial below and post a comment about the inferences that you made while watching. Be sure to include an explanation of the clues you used from the text to make your inferences.


  1. I know that Darth Vader can use the force and this kid thinks he is Darth Vader and is trying to use the force on everything and his parents are tring to make the kid think he can use the force.

  2. sorry i tiped to fast

  3. my infernces was that the boy probably watch the star wars that day, and came fond of the forsce.

  4. I know that Darth Vader is a character from star wars that uses the force. In the video, the kid is dressed up as Darth Vader and is trying to use the force. In the end, he's trying to use the force on the car and his dad turned the car on and he was suprised.
    My inference is that he was trying to act like Darth Vader and trying to use the force.

    1. To go a bit further, I think the boy was surprised when the car flashed because he had not been able to use 'the force' in the house on the dog or the doll. The boy thought it worked on the car, even though it was his Dad who flashed the lights with his key FOB!

  5. I know that some new cars like obviously the new Volks Wagon you can just press a button and the car turs on. So the kid was surprised when the car turned on.

  6. I think that this is the funiest!! thing that i have ever seen. I think the boy wus trying to use the force on different objects.

  7. The kid is dressed as Darth Vader from Star Wars. He was trying to use the force on an exersise machine, doll and a dog. When he used it on the car the lights turned on because just then his dad started the car.

  8. The kid dressed up in a Darth Vader costume [which is from Star wars] and i know that humans don't have the force. The boy tried using the force on his dog, a doll, an exersise
    machine, washing machine, and the sandwich his mom made for him. Then his dad came home and he tried using the force on the car. But his dad pressed the light button on his car controller
    so that the boy thought he used the force.

  9. I know from my schema that the kid was dressed up as Darth Vator ( I know this because I saw one of the Star Wars movies) and was trying to use the force ( also from Star Wars) to move a whole bunch of household things including the family dog ( I could tell because the kid was putting his or her hands out in front of him or herself and concentrating really hard), but he never did manage to move anything!

  10. From my schema I know that the kid was dressed up as Darth Vator from Star Wars. I know from the text that he knew from Star Wars that the pepole from the show have powers to move things with their hands,he tries really hard to be like Darth Vator.
    My inferences are that is saying that you can lock,unlock and do the lights almost anywhere.

  11. My inference: The littel kid is tring to see if he/she has powers and is determened to find out. The parents are tring to make the kid happy so the dad uses the atomatic keys to tern it on.

  12. Darth vator can use the force I dont think that the boy can! The boy is trying to use the force on diffrent objects. Nothing was working. At the end of the ad, the boy thought that he used the force, but his parents turned the car on.

  13. What I know from my schema is that the little boy is dresed like Darth Vador from Star Wars. I know that because I've seen parts of the movie. My inferences is that the little boy is trying to act like Darth Vador or try to be Darth Vador. I think that when he tried to make the car go the dad wanted to help him out a bit by using the car keys (they are advertising a car).

  14. The kid dressd up as darth vator but he couldn't use the force and when he tried to use the force on the car his\her dad made the light on the car flash. my scemaes is from star wars because my brother watch it.

  15. I know that the kid is drest like darth vader. the kid is trying to use the force. he was trying to move the sanwich away and tryed to move the car. He thought he turned the car on but hes parents tricked him.

  16. The force is what the boy wants. But the parents just want the boy to go on with life. I think that the boy doesn't have friends so he was trying to pass time. The boy also is almost giving up! The dad turns on the car because he wants the boy back.

  17. I know that darth vader can use the force. The kid is trying to use the force. He pushed his dad to aside and he whanted to use the force to move the car and he is also trying to move the sandwich and washing machine. The kid was dressed like darth vader. At the end of the video he thot he used the force, but he didnt his parents tricked him.

  18. What I know from my schema and from the text is . . . the boy\girl was dressed like Darth Vador . The boy\girl was trying to use the force because of the way s/he used his or her hands . The boy/girl jumped back when the car moved.
    My inferences are . . .that the boy\girl was astonished when the car moved. He or she thought that he/she was really like Darth Vader

  19. I know from my schema that little kid is dressed up like Darth Vader, darth vader is from Star Wars. I have not seen Star Wars but I know he is dressed like Darth Vader because I've heard people talk about it. The kid is trying to use Darth Vaders super powers to move things and make things magical happen. When nothing work, he gets sad and When his dad comes home he just pushs him away to run over to try his magic on the car. His parents notice that he sad and when he trys his magic on the car his dad perposly honks it so he thinks he made the car honk.
